Under this, the Trust performs the last rites according to their religion of any unidentified corpse and the family who does not even have the power to spend or bear the funeral money
Dharmanusar Antim Sanskar
What is Dharmanusar Antim Sanskar
Partnering to build a world where all can be empowered through cooperation of all.
The Trust performs the last rites according to their religion of any unidentified corpse found anywhere in Indore city after informing the nearby police station and after completing the process of paperwork.
Apart from this, if there is anyone in the city whose family does not even have the power to spend or bear the funeral money, then such families can also contact us. We are always ready to help such families. The funeral rituals of his relatives are performed by the Gold Coin Seva Trust.

There are special people in our lives who never leave us… even after they are gone
D. Morgan